When signing up to BGT I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Since being on numerous TV programmes, adverts, and movies it has pushed me towards joining the South Seas programme and studying acting. If you want to be in adds, movies or TV programmes I highly recommend you apply here at BGT. When I first started I was a bit iffy as to if I was actually going to get a job or not but the next day I ended up on Shortland Street. Another great reason to be with this agency is the team are the nicest and most welcoming people I have meet. Want to ask a questions? They will be more than willing to help and will do so with a smile. I have been here for a couple of years now and the staff at BGT are one of the main reasons why i am still here. They really are not your average office workers, they are too nice for words and wear a smile no matter what. At the end of the day I got out a lot more of this agency then I had ever expected and it help push towards my carrier goal. Give it a go, You will never regret it.
Nikki Johns