I joined BGT when they recruited me at their BGT stand at Big Boys Toys in November 2015. I had received free tickets for the show and it was a last minute decision to go. A decision definitely worth while and not one that I'll ever regret! While I was signing up, the BGT guys as well as myself convinced the rest of my friends to sign up. Since then, I can't speak for my friends but I know they've all had some great experiences with jobs BGT has put us forward to. Personally, I've worked on some fun and interesting shoots. All production teams have been very organised and they look after you well with delicious food and warm covered areas during the wet weather. Travel has been paid for on the long trips out of the city. BGT has an awesome dashboard when you log in online to see available jobs you've been submitted for and it's an easy click on whether you want to accept or decline. The most recent shoot I did, had BGT talent only, with approx 75 of us there on the day. It was an epic day to meet new faces as well as people you've already seen on TV commercials and shows. It was also the first job I got to work on with one of my mates that I originally signed up to BGT with.